From an review of "Reefer Madness, the Musical"
"Christopher Kypros as the the audience's host and guide for the evening, introducing scenes and setting up situations as well as participating in many of the scenes himself. His performance is nothing less than brilliant. Utilizing his musical and acting talents as well as his copious natural charisma, he acts, sings, and plays various diverse characters... Holding the audience in the palm of his hand, he seamlessly moves from character to character...and, from start to finish, neither his energy nor his expertise flags for a moment. His performance alone would be worth a visit to the theatre. He’s good."
Acting Resume
STAGE (listed alphabetically)
Angel Street Rough Virginia Beach Little Theatre Communicating Doors Reece Generic Theater David and Lisa Dr. Swinford Norfolk Academy Theatre Don’t Drink the Water Chef Tidewater Dinner Theatre Enron Ken Lay Generic Theater Ghost In the Machine Wes Generic Theater Inspecting Carol Phil Actors’ Theatre Laughter on the 23rd Floor Kenny Generic Theater The Little Foxes Oscar Little Theater of Norfolk The Merry Widow Bogdonovitch VA Opera Association The Miser Anselm Actors’ Theatre Mr. Marmalade Mr. Marmalade Generic Theatre Mr. Roberts Stefanowski Tidewater Dinner Theatre Our Town Stage Manager Norfolk Academy Theatre Panama Man Generic Theater The Rainmaker Sheriff Thomas Virginia Beach Little Theatre Reefer Madness, the Musical The Lecturer et al. Double Dog Theater Co. Shakespeare in Hollywood Jack Warner Virginia Beach Little Theatre
St. Irene's Stanley Zeiders American Dream Theater Twelve Angry Men J uror #9 Little Theatre of Norfolk Urinetown, the Musical Caldwell B. Cladwell Generic Theater
New Dominion Pictures:
FBI Files: Damron –lead – A Mastrer Plan
Abouhalima –lead-World Trade Center Bombing
Wm. Anderson-featured-Millionaire Murderer
Polygraph examiner –Killing Spree
Polygraph examiner- A Hunter’s Target
Movie of the Week:
Lt. King-featured-Escape From Death Row
Daring Capers : Jeweler -#417
Prosecutors: Dr. Levine-featured- Unlikely Suspects
Public Defender-Pride and Joy
Investigator-featured #2021

"Understatement, with precision, is the key to Christopher Kypros' exemplary performance as Mr. Marmalade. Absolutely every second Kypros is on stage is a lesson, virtually a master class, in splendidly, unforced and unobtrusive focus and acting detail."